St David’s Class
Welcome to St David's Class - Year 3 and 4
We hope you had a wonderful summer. It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school as we settle into new routines. This year, Year 3 and Year 4 are now St. David’s class. Mrs Oldroyd is the teaching assistant.
From Tuesday 10th September until Tuesday 26th November, all children will be attending swimming lessons at Strode Road Leisure Centre, travelling by coach. They will be accompanied by Mr Webber. Please ensure your child has a swimming costume, towel and goggles. Long hair should be tied back.
PE will be on Wednesdays until swimming lessons are complete. On PE days, your child should come into school wearing their PE kit. PE kit comprises of
- New school PE shirt (or a suitable plain red t-shirt)
- Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/skorts
- Red or black hoodie jumper
- Trainers
This term our topic is ‘The Lightbulb moment’, studying electricity and light in science. We will also be learning more about Europe to understand its trade links (please see topicweb on our class website for more information). If you think that you may have any resources or skills to share with us regarding this topic, please let us know, as it would be much appreciated.
Knowledge Organiser to support Learning in Science - Electricity
Knowledge Organiser to support Learning in Science - LightTopic Web- The Lightbulb Moment
Reading at Home
Every child will be given a reading book from the coloured level they were on previously. We aim to listen to each child read individually once per week. Your child will also bring home a reading record. It is extremely important that they or you record the book in their reading record so that we can keep track of how much reading they are doing and the variety of books they are experiencing. Reading at home is essential in a child’s development, and is a wonderful opportunity for your child to share their book with you. We would recommend that your child is reading at home for ten minutes every day. It is important that each child remembers their books every day, as we timetable regular opportunities to read in class.
Homework is set on a Wednesday and due in the following Tuesday. All children have a homework book to complete their work. Homework includes spellings, number fact recall/rehearsal and another activity that links to learning we are doing in class. I also encourage children to practise their timestables on TT Rockstars, details of which are provided in homework books along with their logins.
Mrs. Sloan
Here are some links to some really great learning resources.....
Pobble 365TTRockstarsOak Academy
BBC SupermoversHit the ButtonMaths frame