All Saints Church of England Primary School

All Saints Church of EnglandPrimary School

School Meals

Our School Meals are prepared and cooked at Chestnut Park Primary School kitchen by Aspens and delivered to our school each day, the menu is run on a three week cycle.

School meals must be ordered in advance using the Aspens Select System.  

Aspens Select

All children in Year R, 1 and 2 are eligible for an Infant Free School Meal.  The cost of a school meal for children in Year 3-6 is currently £2.60 per day. 

If you are eligible for Free School Meals, please apply online via North Somerset District Council


Home Packed Lunches

A balanced healthy lunch box is encouraged. Teaspoons will need to be provided for yoghurt/mousse desserts pots. Healthy drinks are recommended.

Nuts, sweets including chocolate bars and fizzy drinks are not permitted.


Each child needs a water bottle when they join school.  In the interest of health, children must bring their water bottles filled with water to school each day, the bottles can be refilled in school if necessary.   Bottles should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.


Free milk is provided for children under 5 years. Paid milk is offered to pupils over 5 years old via CoolMilk.

School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme

This is a national government programme which we take part in, entitling all children aged four to six in infant, primary and special Local Authority maintained schools to a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day.

Children will be offered an apple, pear, banana, satsuma, carrot, some cherry tomatoes or other fruit or vegetable – it depends what is in season.

Children in years 3-6 may bring in a piece of fruit/veg to eat at morning break.

Healthy Schools

At All Saints we are involved in promoting healthier eating and the general well being of children and the school community including pupils, staff, parents and governors.