All Saints Church of England Primary School

All Saints Church of EnglandPrimary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

We are a fully inclusive school and meet the diverse needs of every child in the school. Our Siams Inspection (Sept 2024) summarised the support of individuals : 'As a result of far-sighted actions by the leaders and staff, the potential of pupils identified as disadvantaged is being transformed.'

Staff work closely with parents to ensure that children’s needs are quickly and effectively identified and that appropriate support is provided or sought.

We acknowledge that some children will develop special educational needs at some time in their school career. Sometimes these can be met by short term targeted support or adapting learning tasks. For some children, their needs will be met by a range of in class, and additional adult support, at times other educational specialists may be involved.

Children may also require an Individual Education Plan (IEP) drawn up by the class teacher, with the support of the special needs co-coordinator (SENCO), and in consultation with the parents. A close partnership with parents is essential to identify a child’s needs and how to meet those needs. A copy of the Special Educational Needs policy can be found within the documents section below.

The children benefit from additional in-class support from a Teaching Assistant or Learning Support Assistant and sometimes work in small groups out of the classroom environment.

We follow a graduated approach – Assess – Plan – Do and Review

The four main SEND areas are (as identified by the SEND Code of Practice):

1. Communication and Interaction.

2. Cognition and Learning.

3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties.

4. Physical and/or Sensory Needs.

We identify and focus on these categories for our children who may need additional support.

Our School SENDco is Mrs. Rachel Mills.

Should you wish to contact Mrs. Mills, please phone the school- 01275 874169 or email;

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

Special Education Needs and Disability Information Report 2022 to 2023

Accessibility Policy and plan 2021-2024