All Saints Church of England Primary School and Futura Learning Partnership Admission Arrangements
Appeals Timetable 2024-2025
In Year Application Form North Somerset
North Somerset Admission Arrangement Futura Learning Partnership 2023-2024
North Somerset Admission Arrangements Futura Learning Partnership 2024-2025
North Somerset Admission Arrangement Futura Learning Partnership 2025-2026
The Local Governing Committee of All Saints, Church of England Primary School applies the regulations laid down by North Somerset Council in its co-ordinated admissions scheme.
Aims and objectives
We are an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities, of all Faith’s and of none.
Our site can prove challenging for individuals with disabilities because of the age and structure of the school buildings (ie number of steps, terrain and split-site locations).
The Admission Number
The Admission number is the number of children the school can accommodate.
The Admission number for our school is 20 for reception class. All other classes have a maximum of 20 pupils apart from year 3 and year 6, which is 15.
The staff and governors are committed to not going above the standard number because doing so would be detrimental to the education of the children in Key Stage 2 by allowing the numbers of children to increase beyond 30 in a class.
How parents can apply for their child to be admitted to our school
The school’s admission arrangements are dealt with in conjunction with North Somerset Council’s Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for primary admissions for the current academic year.
The school will follow the definitions, procedures and timescales included with the Scheme.
For 2024 to 25 we currently have spaces in:
Year reception- Three spaces
Year 1- one space
Year 2- two spaces
Year 3- one space
Year 4- one space
Year 5- Full- no spaces
Year 6- three spaces.
To see copies of the scheme visit
or contact
North Somerset School Admissions and Transport Team
Town Hall,
Walliscote Grove Road,
BS23 1UJ
Tel: 01275 884078,
Currently, children enter school in the academic year they become five. There is one admissions date per year, early in September (i.e. at the start of the school year). Therefore, parents who would like their child to be admitted to this school during the year their child is five should ensure that they complete the necessary application form.
The School have adopted the School Admission Arrangements and New Intake Over- Subscription Criteria for North Somerset Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, as issued by North Somerset Council.
Admission appeals
If parents wish to appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to North Somerset Council.
Full details of the appeals procedure will be sent if the preferred school place is not offered. An independent appeals panel would then meet to consider all appeals by parents who have been refused a place at our school and who wish to appeal against this decision. An appeals panel decision is binding for all parties concerned. If the appeals panel decides that we should admit a child to our school, then we will accept this and continue to do everything that we can to provide the best education for all of the children in our school. Further information and guidance on appeals is available from the School Admissions and Transport Team on the details above, and on the North Somerset Council website
In Year Admission
All applications for 'In Year' admission to All Saints Church of England Primary School must be to North Somerset.
School Admissions
Admission Contact: Mr. Stephen Webber
Tel: 01275 874169
There are 20 places available each year and our school is a popular choice.
We would encourage you to contact the school, prior to applying for place. We can discuss a visit and if we have any spaces in your child's year group. If you are moving from a school with the town, we would encourage you to also contact your present school. letting them know of your intentions to change schools.
Offers for places for the reception classes are usually made in the latter part of Term 4. The decision on who is allocated a place is made by North Somerset and the criterion is set out on their website. If you do not get offered a place at this school you do have a right of appeal. This is made to North Somerset who will inform you of the procedures to be followed.
Reception Intake
Our aim is to ensure that the admission of our youngest pupils into the school happens as smoothly and happily as possible. We aim to establish, develop, and maintain a close partnership with parents. We strongly recommend that you engage with our induction meetings held over the summer term to make your child's journey into school as smooth as possible.
We have close links with all our local Early Years settings and provide a variety of opportunities for children and parents to visit before the September start.
We are Part of Futura Learning Partnership, who have identified a shared process for pupils start in September.
- Our reception staff phone preschools to talk about how your child is at preschool.
- Evening meetings for parents in June as an overview
- In July children are invited into school to meet their teacher and see their classroom, parents will also meet up and get to know each other
- At the start of the term we will invite you in to meet the teacher and also for your child to come with you into the classroom.
- During the first week your child with come into school as part of a smaller group and spend the morning, this helps the early transition.
- From the start of the second week your child will start full time in school.
- In September, the PTA organise a play session together.